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March 25, 2009



I'm going to netflix this now- thanks for the rec. I just looked up the director on imdb- she was nominated for an oscar for her short film in 2003!

akbar fazil

And staring the awesome Titus Pullo from Rome.

Rich, if you haven't seen Rome I highly recommend it.


Haven't seen any iteration of the Frank Castle saga, though Thomas Jane tempted me briefly (raowr). Your GIFs may yet have the power to sway me, however.

If I had a dollar for every time I've wanted to spray bullets at creepy clusters of porcelain dolls, or fire a heat-seeking missle at an obnoxious Parkour practitioner...I'd be rich enough to finance my own movie - "The Punisher vs. Vigilante vs. Judge Dredd" (Judge Judy would also suffice).


I was so happy to see your review. I saw this movie over the weekend and loved it! Lots of action and gore, my type of film! :)


Not only is the director a woman, she is a former World Karate and Kickboxing Champion according to imdb. Awesome.

Dandy Darkly


Renting it NOW!


Have you seen Shootem' Up? Amazing. Death(s). By. Carrot. And sweet ass dialogue.

Joe M

Fucking dolls! Eat it!!!


this movieeee it AWSOMEE!!! Love it!! makes the first 2 punishers look like barbie dolls!


YES. I love this blog but sometimes can't relate to the love of certain films reviewed here. However, I think Punisher: War Zone is possibly the best movie I have seen in years. Seriously. SO amazing.

Somehow, the "Quiet, foo!" was the funniest line in a movie full of wonderfully hilarious moments.


C'mon, Rich. You seemed to enjoy Persepolis (though joung Marji didn't make it into your heroes megapost, for whatever reason). Was "relative realism" a funny thing for it to aspire to? For someone that's so protective of his favorite niche genres, it's a bit surprising to find you just writing off any form of illustrated story as a cartoon.

Unless you just mean that the character is cartoonish. He is, but so is Dirty Harry or any other nine characters out of ten you might encounter in the context of a relatively realistic action film. I'm not a fan of the Punisher and haven't seen this movie, but I guess I'm just (haha) dorkish enough to be offended by that throwaway designation.

TyTy Baby

Listen, you beautiful bitch: the fact that you organized this post around a Kenny Powers quotation fills me with delight.


I'm sorry but Any movei where there is a Irish Rasta Acrobat? I must see it.


Ehh, I like the one with Travolta in it. This one felt cheesy to me.

John R

Wow, that was fun!


Two words....Titus Pullo. I didn't need reason beyond that to drool over this movie. I also highly recommend Rome for you rich! Its not only amazing drama but it has...THE MOST amazingly hot eye-candy you'll see in any show.


I pretty much only bought this because of Ray Stevenson. He's HOT. It was a fun action flick too! Win win!

John R

Started it for Dominic West from The Wire, stayed for the decapitation...


Loved the colors, the wacky meth hooligans, the overwrought cemetary bit, the split screen in the hotel before Castle blows the room up. Fuck yeah!

And Ray Stevenson, of course. yum.



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