This week, PBS ran the documentary Ask Not, which chronicles the history of Don't Ask, Don't Tell and the increasing resistance to it from those that it affects. It was enlightening and infuriating as you'd expect, but I was shocked to find myself better understanding the perspective of those who are against out gays (or any gays) serving our country. See, one of the poster-children for the anti-Don't Ask, Don't Tell cause is this able translator who was thrown out of the military as result of the policy...
...and you know if someone as hot as Alex Nicholson...
...with a body and ass like his...
...was allowed to serve as an open gay man, other lonely soldiers sick of the sole outlet of masturbation would start to get ideas they normally wouldn't when around dudes of lesser hotness, and start to see Nicholson as the sexual prospect that he is. And then it'd all turn into a big, sweaty orgy of masculinity and all these guys would be pregnant because you know how gays hate birth control. What a lubey mess!
Oh, and his bf isn't too bad, either...
I kid, of course. I mean, kind of. I'd get ideas, at least, if I were in 5 miles of Nicholson, let alone sleeping next to him, but then, I always have ideas.
The documentary really underscored the absurdity of discriminating against gays, not that it was exactly needed for those of us with brains and rationale. One officer in favor of abolishing Don't Ask, Don't Tell noted that heterosexual issues (I'm assuming sexual harassment, etc.) come up everyday in the military. The doc also pointed out all the countries that have lifted the ban on gays in the military, and I've made that into a handy gif for your...uh, use?
Just as a reminder: none of those countries have, you know, fallen off the face of the earth.
In the end, the reason for the ban on open gays in the military seems to come down to what it always has: the discomfort of the ignorant and hateful. That we always end up acquiescing to those who are misinformed, desperate for a false sense of superiority or just plain incorrect is only getting more infuriating (and it started out pretty fucking infuriating). You know, a few weeks ago a rash of premature Brüno examinations broke out all wondering if Sacha Baron Cohen's gonzo outreach (exposing the idiocy of the hateful via an over-the-top gay stereotype) was, in fact, harmful to the cause of gay equality. I know that the bigger picture is important, but I wonder if zooming in on this case might be helpful. By assaulting homophobes with gayness, he's inflicting a little bit of pain on them for the suffering they've caused. It isn't political retribution, it's practical retribution. Instead of a political activist, perhaps Brüno is best viewed as a superhero. There's a reason why Batman works in the shadows and alleys, not at City Hall, you know?
I know that there are ways to get what you want and you catch more flies with honey and all that, but it seems like the various offshoot causes related to gay equality couldn't get much worse at that point. I wonder if we're all being too polite about all of this, especially considering all the rudeness -- institutionalized rudeness, even -- that we face. I'm not sure how that would work politically -- if rights were something I could snatch back from somebody's hand, I would. I'm just saying that a, "Fuck you," here and there to the deserving might be a good thing. If some brittle straight dude can't handle something as pure and good as love...
...he can go fuck himself. And it probably won't be nearly as hot or passionate as when these two fuck each other.
omg, fap fap fap, that ass!!!! WOW! what a hottie, and that last gif is so touching, i couldn't imagine what itd be like to have to hide yourself like that, so sad
Posted by: John T. | June 19, 2009 at 02:23 PM
i watched this too when it aired the other night. really well done, and so moving. i love the way the group handled their sit-ins-- so calm, informative, thoughtful, and thereby effective.
i also feel bad for bill clinton, who's gotta still be regretting his dont ask/don't tell policy in hindsight! love PBS docs.
Posted by: sarah | June 19, 2009 at 03:51 PM
Thanks for posting this, I'll definitely have to check it out. I'm in college considering commissioning into the Marine Corps after I graduate. The only thing that's holding me back is DADT. I don't know if I could live four more years having to constantly worry about being kicked out for being myself.
Posted by: E | June 19, 2009 at 03:52 PM
Whoo, he has a badonkadonk
Posted by: trick please | June 19, 2009 at 04:15 PM
I just listened to an interview of this guy on Fresh Air. I also listened to some other PBS radio thing with retired Admiral Jerome Johnson (old, southern, of course) who recently wrote a collaborative piece in the WSJ claiming that repealing don't ask don't tell would do "grave harm" to the US all volunteer force. His arguments were nothing but thinly veil homophobia which the call in audience handily exposed.
Since when is the military concerned with comfort zones? Time to man-up homophobes. Learn to live and work with people that are different. If you can't relate to American gays how the fuck are you supposed to relate to rural Afghans?
Posted by: apesofmath | June 19, 2009 at 04:32 PM
Love this: "Instead of a political activist, perhaps Brüno is best viewed as a superhero. There's a reason why Batman works in the shadows and alleys, not at City Hall, you know?"
Posted by: Erin | June 19, 2009 at 04:36 PM
apesofmath has it totally right. I just don't get why homophobia is so accepted in this country. It's ridiculous.
And unrelated, Rich you've been quite prolific this week. What a treat for us. =)
Posted by: Queen Lena | June 19, 2009 at 04:51 PM
I always love asking people who are in favor of DADT and in favor of gays that are in the military now being stripped of their ranks if they would gladly go take the gay man/woman's place to fight overseas. Not surprised no one said yes. The one that made my blood boil was how an American who worked as an Arabic translator (which we are in short supply of) was stripped of his rank and kicked out when they found out he was gay. Forget about connecting with the Iraqis and trying to speak their language so the war can end! We gotta get the queers away from us!!!!
Posted by: scorzi | June 19, 2009 at 05:13 PM
Shit, IRELAND is ahead of us?
Posted by: Erin | June 19, 2009 at 05:48 PM
Some of these military policies are so fucked up. I understand the desire to keep "good order, discipline, morale, and authority" but honestly, if the general American public didn't make such a big deal out of homosexuality it wouldn't be such a huge problem in the military either, and thus wouldn't undermine any of those causes. I'm saying this as an enlisted member of our armed forces and a supporter of equal rights for all because, come on, it's in our Constitution.
Posted by: girly | June 19, 2009 at 06:43 PM
That ass.....I want to BITE it!
I'm happy that Canada is on the list. But then again we also let our gays marry each other. We even let them adopt if they are so inclined (in all but one province and one territory). Then we have that rainbow coloured money.... So it's all kinds of crazyness up here. Our country hasn't fallen apart and people aren't leaving in droves.
Also, I concur with everything you said.
Posted by: Grace | June 19, 2009 at 07:18 PM
amen, rich.
Posted by: BoozeInMyBlood[Faith] | June 19, 2009 at 09:46 PM
That last gif is absolutely beautiful.
Posted by: cam | June 20, 2009 at 11:25 AM
Amen! Thanks for posting this.
Posted by: Melissa | June 20, 2009 at 11:34 AM
God, the hypocrisy of the military is so fucking stupid. There are so many whores on those posts, of both genders. It's kind of the same thing with marriage, heterosexual people want to be free to fuck everything up, while putting restrictions on gay people. I say this as a former army wife who just happened to receive multiple propositions from my husband's fellow soldiers every time his unit went to the field. That's just the tip of the iceberg of the bullshit that goes on in those places.
Posted by: Jamie | June 20, 2009 at 03:09 PM
Why are Americans so close-minded? Why does sex matter so much? Why must we react with such outrage and fear? How is being gay and serving our country wrong? I don't get it. It makes me so sad. America the free? Really?
It amazes me how as a country we are so unprogressive. I am raising my children to have open minds and open hearts. I hope they can live their lives as they see fit and not be persecuted for it.
Posted by: Dara | June 20, 2009 at 07:03 PM
I haven't seen the documentary but there have been about 54 (!!!) Arab linguists who have been fired because of DADT. The government has spent millions enforcing the policy while our military is overextended and under prepared (fourth and fifth tours in Iraq!) Gays have been in our military since 1776 and that's not going to change, so they deserve the same legal recourse against an unfair discharge as their straight counterparts. Plus our allies (Britain, Israel, Ireland etc..) allow gays in their military so we're already in the trenches with "out" soldiers. These are the same arguments they used when Truman integrated the army. Studies should that mission cohesion is more important than unit cohesion. The RAND Corp. did a really comprehensive study that homophobes choose to ignore. Some of the biggest advocates for the repeal are former Joint Chiefs of Staff! If you haven't already you should check out this old Times editorial:
Posted by: Sarah G | June 20, 2009 at 09:52 PM
lt. dan choi really brought this issue home for a lot of americans - who may not have otherwise even thought about this issue.
he's hot too!!!
Posted by: becca | June 20, 2009 at 10:39 PM
i agree that we definitely need to stop being so polite...
and start being real. hilarious jokes aside, i think this is sort of what i'd like to see a little more (though maybe not quite so violent. but the fighting back idea i like)
ryan mcginley breaks guy's nose for calling him a fag
Posted by: e | June 20, 2009 at 11:18 PM
aww. that last gif of them playing with each other's sweet. :)
Posted by: southwer | June 21, 2009 at 01:18 AM
Me thinks Alex's boyfriend selected him for those birthing hips. It's evolution, baby!
Posted by: finn111 | June 21, 2009 at 10:27 PM
Amen Rich indeed. Plus, I fucking hate guys whe arent fat and have an ass that fat! Jealousy rearing its ugly head
Posted by: pete | June 22, 2009 at 05:55 PM
I don't get it. I mean seriously, why would people want to be shipped off to Iraq to get killed for useless economic porpuses hidden by dumb presidents like GWB. Being an out gay gives you the perfect excuse not to live this dreadful life altering experience and yet you want to live it? Have you seen how many soldiers come home depressed and/or suicidal and/or depressed?
A) There are other ways to help your country like being a teacher for instance, I'd get it if gays were upset about not being allowed to do that but wanting to be sent to be killed in countries such as Iraq and Afghanistan? Seriously?
B) Your sexuality is still a private matter, as long as you are happy with whomever your are sharing your time/life with, why should it matter to other people? Why should they have to know?
Posted by: Boo | June 23, 2009 at 11:37 AM
Do you know if this is available to watch anywhere online? I'd be really interested to see it.
Posted by: MaryJane | June 23, 2009 at 12:33 PM
There's only 1 issue I have with Bruno, which is the same one i have with Colbert (of the Colert Report)- as it falls out, some people love them because they "expos(e) the idiocy of the hateful via an over-the-top gay [or republican, as it were] stereotype ) and some people love them because they love to laugh at gay people, and/or they just agree with the proposed totally extremist republican views. I just don't know how to "make amends meet" on this issue - PLEASE, SOMEONE, RESPOND!!!
(I've also been dieing for a context in which to say "make amends meet" - a phrase i picked up from "The Bad Girls Club". . . if you Luv Mixt Metophors holla!
Posted by: caloryn | June 24, 2009 at 10:08 PM