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August 11, 2009



The utter blankness of LaToya's face while Phil was gushing about her father revealed more than time. And - gah! - I had successfully erased all memory of DeBarge. All undone with a click of a mouse. Curse my curiousity!


Poor LaToya, she's just biting the hell out of her tongue there.


There is a MUPPET in the audience at 0:46!!!


LaToya looked visibly uncomfortable when Phil was extolling the virtues of Joe Jackson, and made a point of talking about what an excellent mother she had. Poor thing.

I suspect there must be a VH1 series in LaToya's future.


LaToya's earrings OWN.

Also, yes to Muppet at 0:46, no to Phil Donahue's cloying sycophancy, "Oh we should probably mention the mother". Should we though? Only 9 kids? Hardly worth mentioning really.


Is it sad that I want a curtain tassel for a earring now?

Toy Soldier

For business or for pleasure?

Earlier this year La Toya was at least slated to film her own reality show entitled "Simply La Toya" for one of the Viacom networks (VH1, MTV or E!), but there's been no solid news about that.


OMG, that girl is visibly, audibly terrified.

Vanessa M

OMG there IS a muppet in the audience.

Gawd, I had forgotten how annoying the Donahue's mannerisms were. 1989 was still relatively close to the halcyon days for Michael, altho I know I was already grumbling about his increasingly pale and feminized visage (little did I know it was still relatively normal at that point.)

On a related note, 1989 was also the halcyon days for Donahue, Jenny Jones (maybe she was a few years later) and Geraldo. I'm not sorry they've gone away.

adult go kart

That was beautiful and made me use up at least 4 tissues. Your Grandma would be so proud of you, obviously the seeds she planted have flourished.

pedal go karts

Thank you scanner. It is too bad the media isn't getting it right. But that is probably not just circumstance.

kid tricycles   manufacturer

This is so very inspirational and educational. And I just smiled when I saw the photo of you with your book at the end of this marvelous piece! Thank you for sharing this!!! And many congratulations to you! Rated with admiration.

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