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November 23, 2009





Thanks for watching if for me. Great re-cap without the lost time.


Thank you for that Whitney .gif I was watching the show last night, and the first thing that came to my mind when she started jacking off that award was "That's gonna be on fourfour".
Actually I think that's the only reason I watched; to see what was going to make it into your recap lol.


Aw Rich you always deliver the LOLs.
Can we have a Winston update soon?


taylor swift = fake. so right on.


I have never been able to sit past the five minute mark of this awardshow. I accidentally turned on the tv and saw Kelly Clarkson singing... I was surprised that they didn't really show her body... makes you wonder right?


oh, thank you.


Janet's outfit looked like an Ewok halloween costume.

Ben Robot


Niko B.

Marry me.


I loved this post. Thank you :)

Alyssa Jarcrazy

Nicole Kidman's lipliner was nearly John Waters' mustache.


Small point on Jay-Z's "number's don't" lie acceptance speech, I know he's used it before at actual award shows, but last night's mention was directed at 50 Cent, probably the rapper most responsible for Hip-Hop's obsession with 1st week sales, whom after hearing that BISD was only going to sell around 150k copies basically announced that he was now all about his 'art', that sales figures are near irrelevant. So I didn't really begrudge Jay-Z his 'moment of smug'.


I think Jay-Z's 'moment of smug' is more 'lifestyle of smug'.

Andy S. aka 'O'

LMAO, you just LOVE to hate Taylor Swift. I was more suprised than anyone else that she won the shows top honor and yeah, she was a little stiff, but that how she seems to be: someone who gets overwhelmed and doesn't know what to say. She's about as honest as one can get for a pop star her age. everyone seems to be trying to get more and she just seems grateful with what she gets.

But I agree on the rest.


Thank GOD someone else hates Taylor Swift. I'm so sick of her stupid pug dog face acting like the Kanye debacle actually did anything except make her this little media starlet. FUCK Taylor Swift.

Also, the Adam Lambert GIF is divine. And so are you.


haha did you notice the man in the bondage diaper sliding down the banister in the adam lambert fellatio dance move clip?



I have always loved you Rich, but your Taylor Swift bashing made me love you even more! I am sick of her stupid fake surprise look (aka blowjob face) at every stupid award she wins. Seeing as she is already 19, I am hoping that we won't have to deal with her much longer since all she can sing about is being a teenager in love (barf). I hope she's in rehab in a couple of years and we never have to hear from her whiny ass again!


Adam also kissed a guy on national TV, about a minute later :)


Ohh this grapes are sour! Try intermixing the positives and negatives next time because spending so html on hating people that already get too much attention only gives them more attention. Hating Taylor Swift doesn't do anything, and all pop stars are fake, thats how they become successful.
With that being said a juxtaposition of Gaga and Lambert shows how desperate he is and how good she is. She is shocking and then you are like "I like that." The only thing adam has left is simulated fellatio and giving the shocker to a dancer doing a pole dance above his "throne," and his career has only begun.


I only watched the AMA's just in case you decided to cover it. And your post is long because that damn show is looooong. It never ends. Anyway, great stuff! Looking forward to the finale recap of antm. :)


"look at Jermaine Oprahing (i.e. openly singing along while having no idea what the actual lyrics are)" THANK YOU FOR FINALLY POINTING THAT OUT. OPRAH DRIVES ME UP A FUCKING WALL WITH THAT SHIT...sorry for the all caps, but i couldn't help it.

Love thsi too, Rich: "Now" they call this music "alternative," Christian Slater? Now because it's 1993 again? I have a great new band called the Breeders that you simply must hear! They're gonna be big, I can feel it. Don't let the Botox go to your head (if you can help it!)"
It was the only part of the ama's i caught & all my boyfriend and i could comment on was his weird face.


I can't believe you gave "respect" to Adam Lambert for that desperate bullshit stunt. Puhleeze. Madonna has already tongued Brittany. What did HE prove other than he is a lame ass joke/ Remember, this is the same guy who was mad at OUT magazine for making him look "too gay!" Give me a break.


Thank you for this Rich. I forced my BF to watch that last 2/3 of this and he whined through the whole damn thing. If only he could have appreciated the show for the pop crap it was.

thanks, rich

For some reason I didn't think you would ever be so satirical of pop culture

No but really, I loved this. Annoying shit like this needs to be bitched out more often.

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