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August 13, 2010



best one yet. you sir are a genius.


I love this. So much. Get inside me already *twirl*


i swear i've been waiting all day for your recap and its accompanying gifs. ah, now i want a cigarette...


I like it


totally losing your pop-culture relevance rich. sticking with you, I think, proves that we all like it when it hurts..


"This would be a red flag if Ronnie weren't already the foreman at the red-flag manufacturing plant." That line made me laugh so hard I almost fell out of my desk chair.

The seriousness with which you take the J. Shore is truly inspiring, I love it, hahaha!




At about minute 25 Pauly had his best eye-pop when talking to the camera. It was sensational and I couldn't do it if I tried.

Ronnie's crazed coke face is hypnotizing -- he looks like a wacked-out hairless panda on acid or something.


I just realized that J-woww is going to look like Kelly Cutrone when she gets older.


i drove by the gelato place they work at today. should i go in? i've always wondered about that dog (??) statue thing out front


i'm really enjoying this season and your recaps.


Gorillas in the mist. So wrong.

So right.


LOL forever at "Gorillas in the mist"


I kinda like Situation in the season 2, so far...
He is less of a douche. Am I trippin or what?

Littledog Liza

Watch the gif of Enzo and Snooki while listening to the Enrique Inglesias track. Bliss.

J Sweet

The bigger lesson though is: don't live with your apes. They always get violent.

let's smoosh.


P.S. Rich, if you haven't seen twitter.com/DRUNKRONNIE yet, you gotta get on that! pretty hilarious.


Love these. I stopped watching ANTM a long time ago so it's fun to be able to enjoy recaps again.

I would love you to do something on the Duggars.


Love these. I stopped watching ANTM a long time ago so it's fun to be able to enjoy recaps again.

I would love you to do something on the Duggars.


oh can you pleeeease post an audio clip of snooki saying she has the hiccups?

Glamour Smile

I have watched it and it is really very interesting. I am gonna watch its repeat telecast too.

Acai Detox Pure

Would that I were to enjoy with them too.


"It's not MVP-A." best line EVER!

winter boots

Very powerful, very like!

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